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Episode 31 Understanding and Negotiating Your Influencer Content Ownership Rights

Are you finding it tricky when it comes to responding to a brand who’s asking for full organic usage rights in perpetuity? Or maybe they’re asking for ownership rights or a combination of paid and organic usage rights. Ugh, is your head spinning?


It’s not uncommon for brands to get a bit heavy-handed with requesting ownership rights when they’ve got you all whipped up about a collaboration. Often, you’ll only find out about this in the fine print of your agreement, or at a very late stage. In the mix, you’ll find there are some good brands who are transparent about this upfront in the discussions. Either way, there’s a few steps in the process of negotiating your influencer content ownership rights.


First, you need to understand content ownership, then you need to understand different ways you can allow for your content to be used and then, finally you can negotiate the terms that you’ll allow a brand to use your content. It’s a lot, right?


Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. I’ve co-owned an intellectual property law firm for 14+ years and have been working with celebrities and influencers for over 10 years, so I totally get this space. Today’s episode is to guide you through some of the common scenarios and give you resources to start working through building your skills to understand rights and how to negotiate them.

In this Episode

🎙 [00:01:00] Introduction to Negotiating Content Ownership with Brands
📜 [00:02:00] Understanding Different Types of Content Usage Rights
🌟 [00:03:00] What Content Ownership Means for Influencers
🔍 [00:04:00] The Importance of Understanding Your Rights
🧭 [00:05:00] Navigating Perpetual Usage Rights and Full Ownership
🔑 [00:06:00] Exploring Licensing and Usage Rights
💼 [00:07:00] The Impact of Rights on Control and Income
💡 [00:08:00] Knowing Your Worth and Reading the Fine Print
💰 [00:09:00] Negotiating Fair Payment for Content Usage
📈 [00:10:00] Tips for Effective Negotiation on Content Rights
📝 [00:11:00] Retaining Ownership and Understanding Contract Essentials
📅 [00:12:00] Creating Clear Contracts and Setting Usage Terms
🛡 [00:13:00] Limiting Duration of Use and Protecting Your Work
🗣 [00:14:00] Discussing Payment Terms for Expanded Usage Rights
📚 [00:15:00] Episode Resources

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